A Rare Lysosomal Storage Disease

Posts Tagged ‘Inc’

Why refer to it as the “Childhood Alzheimer’s”?

Why refer to it as the “Childhood Alzheimer’s”?

You possibly can recall someone you knew that suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Currently 5.3 million Americans are living with this progressive and fatal brain disease with no cure ( Alzheimer’s is progressively devastating in how it destroys brain cells, causes loss of memory (progressive dementia), and problems […]

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Today, there is no cure or effective treatment

The NPCF was formed to help create a entity that we could bring to communities that surround us the awareness needed to shed light on a disease that researchers are taking interest in. We felt after facing this reality that research has a different time line than parents yet they are making progress then why could we not help out in some shape, way or form?

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