A Rare Lysosomal Storage Disease

FDA says Hold Off on Zavesca (Miglustat) approval.

FDA says Hold Off on Zavesca (Miglustat) approval.

Zavesca (Miglustat) picture

On March 9, 2010 the FDA has requested additional preclinical and clinical information regarding Zavesca (Miglustat) before giving the ultimate approval that the Niemann-Pick Type C community was hoping for. Actelion stated that they will work diligently with the FDA to explore the best ways to address the points raised by the agency.

Jean-Paul Clozel, M.D. and Chief Executive Officer of Actelion commented: “We remain committed to bringing an approved treatment to patients suffering from NP-C disease and in this spirit we will continue the dialogue with the FDA.”

Currently Zavesca (Miglustat) is FDA approved for type 1 Gaucher disease when enzyme replacement therapy is not an option. The milestone that this really entails for the NPC community is the ability for patients who's insurance companies will not approve for off label use because it is not FDA approved for NPC. That means right now there are probably half of the patients in the United States that are simply unable to give it a go for their loved one(s).

When dealing with the FDA you have three options generally that will take place after submitting information for FDA approval:

  1. An Approval Letter
  2. A Non-Approval Letter (Sorry don't pass go)
  3. A Complete Response Letter (Not yet, we want more info)

Actelion received number three, a Complete Response Letter which allows the pharmaceutical company to continue to explore and collect data which might more clearly show the positive impact that the drug has on the treatment of the disease (Niemann-Pick Type C).

Currently the European Union, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, Australia and Canada, Zavesca® is indicated for the treatment of progressive neurological manifestations in adult and pediatric patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease.

If you are a parent of a child/adult with Niemann-Pick Type C, we encourage you to write Actelion or the National Niemann Pick Disease Foundation regarding the findings and/or benefits you feel your loved one has experienced from this.   The power of people and especially a parent because you are the only one that will ever fight the hardest for your child.

Read the full press release here:

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