A Rare Lysosomal Storage Disease

HHR Signup 2013

Thank you for showing interest in showing  your support for the Niemann-Pick Children's Fund and fighting Niemann-Pick Type C. Also known as the “Childhood Alzheimer's”! 

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Here are the next steps:

1. Check  your email to “Confirm” your optin so we can send you you're 20% off Discount Code. Looks like this:

Optin email for discount

2. Sign up for a Fundraising Page at – Start asking your friends, family, co-workers to help support you on your run. Maybe you get your colleagues together and support as a company while you run, walk, or volunteer for the race?

FirstGiving NPCF Fundraising Page


3. Get your PERSONAL email from Niemann-Pick Children's Fund with your discount code.

Email from us

4. Go to officially sign up for the race at Online Registration for HHR and use  your code before final completion. You need to make it official with them. We just need to keep track of who receives the discount code.

HHR Official Sign Up

What to Expect from us

We will be communicating with you leading up to race day. As runners / walkers / volunteers sign up, we'll be asking for your feedback if you'd like to have a shirt of ours to where during the race, what prizes for motivation will be available, and what our finish line activities in the Charity Partners section will be. We hope to have a fun activity geared towards children.

If you would like to communicate with us your can reach us at or you can contact Michael Stults, President of the NPCFund at (816) 522-8222.

Thank you for all your support and more importantly… Let's Win this RACE!!!!


Niemann-Pick Children's Fund, Inc has the right to monitor and control the use of their special discount code assigned by the Hospital Hill Run. The neglect and misuse of our discount code is strictly prohibited. The Hospital Hill Run has the right to refuse your entry if this is suspected. Basically, do the right thing and show a little support for your local charity partners. Hospital Hill Run does not provide financial support but only a platform to help raise awareness and fundraising.